Bulimia 19 times more common in women than men, ... survey finds

2012.04.12 00:00:00

Bulimia 19 times
more common in women
than men, ... survey finds

There were about 19 times more cases of bulimia in women as in men over the past five years, a survey has found.

Bulimia is a type of eating disorder that involves eating large amounts of food and getting rid of the calories in an unhealthy way, such as vomiting or excessive exercise.

According to a survey by the National Health Insurance Corp., released on Sunday, women bulimia patients outnumbered men 2,002 to 100 in 2007, 1,711 to 91 in 2008, 1,939 to 93 in 2009, 2,150 to 112 in 2010, and 2,127 to 119 in 2011. That means women accounted for about 95 percent of bulimia cases during the period.

By age, those in their 20s made up the largest portion, at 43.8 percent, followed by those in their 30s at 23.9 percent, 40s, teens and 50-somethings.

“Bulimia can be treated with antidepressants that control the vicious circle of binge and purge accompanied with cognitive behavior therapy that corrects the distortion of self-image of patients,” said a NHIC official, adding that a psycho analysis is also carried out to treat the unconscious mental dynamics of a patient.

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