Gov’t to spend 6.2 trln won in support of women

2012.05.03 00:00:00

Gov’t to spend 6.2 trln won in support of women

The government said Monday it will spend more than 6.2 trillion won ($5.44 billion) this year to support women in jobs, through childcare and in other areas that could lead to an overall improvement of their social standing.

Under the plan, the government will offer customized job support for women seeking reemployment, women in rural areas, marriage immigrants and other groups. The sum is about 700 billion won more than spent on the same goal last year.

The government said it will also expand childcare services, including facilities at military bases and industrial sites, while lowering their costs from an hourly rate of 4,000 won to 3,000 won, and from a monthly rate of 400,000 won to 300,000 won.

The measures, which were finalized during a government meeting handling policies on women, also include an extensive evaluation system for gauging gender inequality.

“Women’s policies should aim to build a mature and gender-equal society, so women can play a key role in the country’s development,” said Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik as he presided over the meeting.

To better protect women from sexual violence, the government said it will allow even minors to access profiles of sex offenders, and expand its mailing list for such data to more than 5,800 educational facilities nationwide.

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