Korea to ease visa rules for Chinese

2012.07.05 00:00:00

Korea to ease visa rules for Chinese

The government on Tuesday decided to expand the issuance of multiple visas and visa waivers for Chinese visitors to Korea from Aug. 1.

 Aiming to attract more than 1 million Chinese tourists to the country this summer, authorities also decided to streamline the visa application process and increase the provision of financial and hospitality conveniences.

 “Such plans are expected to boost tourism in Korea when we are hosting international events such as Yeosu Expo,” Minister of Strategy and Finance Bahk Jae-wan said during an economic contingency meeting.

 Medical tourists and staff workers of foreign investment firms or public corporations will be able to apply for multiple visas guaranteeing their sojourn in the country for up to five years from the current one year if they can prove their financial stability and are unlikely to overstay.

 Those without criminal records and who have previously been issued Korean visas will be exempt from having to submit additional documents for the following issuance.

 A visa waiver will be applied from October to those touring the country for less than 12 hours and foreigners transiting their flights to Jeju Island from Incheon International Airport.

 In order to maximize Chinese tourists’ convenience, more value-added tax refund kiosks will be established in downtown Seoul, giving refunds in Chinese Yuan.

 Shinsaegae Department Store’s main branch in downtown Seoul will start receiving Yuan from June 29 while more stores in the capital will affiliate with Chinese bankcard association, UnionPay, so that tourists will not have to exchange to Korean won for shopping.

 Tailored coupon books will be distributed to foreigners and tests for Chinese language tour guides will be held twice a year from the current once to increase the number of authorized guides.


기사 제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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