Business travelers spend $332 a night in Seoul

2012.09.13 00:00:00

Business travelers spend $332 a night in Seoul


How much does a night’s stay in Seoul cost globe-trotting business travelers? About 390,000 won ($332), according to data released Sunday by a lawmaker’s office here.


 The expenses covered a room for two at a five-star hotel ($175) and dining out ($157).


 This made Seoul the world’s 57th-most expensive city to visit among 100 world cities outside the U.S. and the 7th among Asian destinations. The data, compiled by the Korea Tourism Organization for Saenuri Party Rep. Cho Hae-jin, are based on a survey by the U.S. Business Travel News of American business travelers who visited Seoul last year.


 Geneva topped the list of most expensive cities, with travelers spending $526 on average for a night’s stay.


 Oslo took second place at $525, followed by Tokyo at $516.


 Among Asian countries, Seoul was the fifth-most costly place, following Tokyo, Hong Kong ($464), Osaka ($448) and Shanghai ($363).


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