Timing of meal affects weight loss

2013.02.07 00:00:00

Timing of meal affects weight loss


 A new study shows that meal timing seems to affect weight loss, suggesting that when people eat matters as much as what they eat.


 A research team from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and the University of Murcia studied the relationship between meal times and weight loss among 420 participants for 20 weeks. The first group of people was told to eat before 3 p.m. while the latter group ate after 3.


 The study suggested that early eaters lost more weight than late eaters and did so more quickly. Results showed that the first group of respondents lost nearly 30 percent more weight than the latter group, who dined after 3. Participants who dined earlier lost an average of 20 pounds (9 kilograms), 5 more than those who dined later.


 Other factors that might affect weight gain - food intake, expenditure on food, appetite hormones and sleep hours - were also examined. Research results, however, found no weight difference between two groups.


 “Novel therapeutic strategies should incorporate not only the caloric intake and macronutrient distribution, as it is classically done, but also the timing of food,” said Marta Garaulet, professor of University of Murcia.


기사 제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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