Round face with brown eyes most trustworthy

2013.02.21 00:00:00

Round face with brown eyes most trustworthy


 The most trustworthy face is a round one with a large chin, a big mouth and brown eyes, according to a study at Charles University in Czech Republic.


 Karel Kleisner’s team conducted the survey of rating faces with different features. Eye color and face shape were manipulated.


 People thought brown eyes were more reliable than blue ones, while the round face shape with a large chin, a big mouth was assumed the most credible, the study said. The face shape becomes more critical when it comes to men than to women.


 After further research, the study added that not just the eye color but the face shape seem to take on an important role.


 The study was published in online journal PLOSONE on Wednesday.


기사 제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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