Couples who sleep well are less selfish

2013.02.21 00:00:00

Couples who sleep well are less selfish


 Couples who sleep well are likely to appreciate their spouse, a study suggested.


 The study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley asked 60 couples aged 18 to 56 to keep track of how many hours they slept each night and how much they appreciated their spouse.


Research results showed couples who slept well had better problem-solving skills when asked to work together and showed gratitude to their spouses.


 Although health benefits of a good night’s sleep are well known, little research is available on the effects of sleep on marriage.


 “Poor sleep may make us more selfish as we prioritize our own needs over our partner’s,” said Amie Gordon, a psychologist at UC Berkeley.


 Experts said adults need at least five hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to properly function and concentrate.


기사 제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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