Self-esteem irresistible to opposite sex

2012.08.02 00:00:00

Self-esteem irresistible to opposite sex


A sense of humor and self-confidence are the most irresistible traits in a potential love interest, not physical traits, a U.S. survey indicates.


A survey by, a Web-based source for love and relationships, indicated 89 percent of respondents agreed that when one or both partners in a couple has poor self-confidence, relationship problems ensue.


“Conventional wisdom holds that attraction typically begins with physical appearances,” Andrea Miller, chief executive officer of YourTango, said in a statement. “We were thrilled to learn that what’s on the inside is what matters most to both men and women.”


Perfume/fragrance was the beauty product that made women feel the most irresistible, followed by mascara then eyeliner/eye shadow, the survey found.


“Sixty-six percent of respondents said compliments/affirmations and giving him/her your undivided attention are the best ways to instill confidence in one’s partner,” Miller said.


Both men and women said the top way to avoid complacency in a relationship was to try new things together, followed by, for men, having sex regularly, and for women, small gestures such as writing love notes or doing the others’ chores.


<기사해석 9면 참조>


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