Depression shrinks brain: scientists

2012.08.30 00:00:00

Depression shrinks brain: scientists


U.S. researchers have discovered that depression shrinks the brain by stopping nerve connections from forming, thus causing memory and concentration problems.


Researchers analyzed brain tissue of patients who died after having memory and concentration disorders, and found inactivity in their synapses. Synapses are genes that are necessary for the function and structure of brain nerve connections.


The loss of brain connections happened due to a particular protein called GATA1, which acts like a “switch.” When switched on, there was a loss of brain connections, which is thought to cause the front of the brain to shrink.


Yale University professor Ronald Duman said, “We show that circuits normally involved in emotion, as well as cognition, are disrupted when this single transcription factor - GATA1 - is activated.”


He also added that they predicted that enhancing synaptic connections with medication or behavioral therapy to be effective to fight the condition.


기사 제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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