‘Jack died for nothing in Titanic’

2012.10.18 00:00:00

‘Jack died for nothing in Titanic’


A television show in the United States conducted an intriguing experiment to check how realistic the movie “Titanic” was in depicting the death of its central character Jack played Leonardo DiCaprio in the freezing ocean.


 “Mythbusters” on the Discovery Channel set out to carry out the test as there is lingering doubt about whether Jack really had no choice but to die in the cold water. The cable channel set a simulated environment and implemented the experiment with a dummy.


 In the movie, Jack was in the freezing ocean at night leaning against a small raft on which heroine Rose lay. According to the historical documents, Rose was one of the last to be rescued and the Fifth Officer Harold Lowe searched for survivors for 45 minutes. Jack died of hypothermia before the rescue team arrived.


 The show, hosted by Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, said that Jack could climb up to the raft together with Rose if she had taken off her life jacket and put that under the makeshift raft, which would make the raft float. In the experiment, the temperature of the water was set at -1.6 degrees Celsius. The temperature of the dummy’s body was 37 degrees when the experiment started. According to the scientists, Jack could have survived if he was rescued before his body temperature dropped below 28 degrees. An hour into the experiment, the temperature of the dummy’s body recorded 27.7 degrees.


 All of this suggests that Jack might have been able to survive if the couple had taken a smarter choice in the film, the show said in conclusion.


 Even so, James Cameron, the director of the blockbuster film, said in the interview with “Mythbusters” that Jack had to die as the script required.


 “The script says Jack died. Then he has to die. So maybe we screwed up and the board should have been smaller,” he said.



기사제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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