Dozing off a major cause of road accidents

2013.03.07 00:00:00

Dozing off a major cause of road accidents


 Dozing off while driving was a major cause of traffic accidents over the last five years, a report from Korea Transportation Safety Authority showed.


 The authority conducted a telephone poll on 1,000 people in August to examine the level of public road safety awareness. Of the respondents, 22.5 percent said they had been in accidents or near misses while driving due to lack of concentration or not keeping their eyes on the road. Among them, 36.7 percent of the people who had a car accident said they had fallen asleep at the wheel.


 “More than 70 percent of tragic car accidents are caused by unsafe driving habits. There is a need for a specific analysis to categorize such habits and come up with preventive measures,” said Cho Jun-han, a senior researcher at KTSA.


 According to the research, men are more likely to doze off while driving than women, and people in their 40s were the most frequent drivers to cause an accident by nodding off.


기사 제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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