Tobacco packs to bear graphic health warnings

2012.08.16 00:00:00

Tobacco packs to bear graphic health warnings


The government plans to require tobacco firms to put graphic images illustrating the health hazards of smoking on their packages beginning early next year.


 The packages will also have to contain detailed information of tobacco ingredients and will not be allowed to feature words deemed to mislead consumers about smoking’s health effects.


 The Ministry of Health and Welfare said Monday it plans to issue a public notification of the revised National Health Promotion Law this month as part of its campaign to curb smoking.


 “The ministry plans to consult with related ministries this month. We aim to put the new law into effect early next year after the National Assembly’s approval this year,” a ministry official said.


 Currently 23 nations including the U.S., the U.K., Brazil, Canada and Hong Kong require similar stark visual warnings on cigarette packages, the official said.


 The graphic warnings may be effective, according to a government analysis.


 In Canada, 24 percent of people smoked in 2000, but after the introduction of the images on cigarette packaging the figure decreased to 22 percent in 2001 and more so in the following years.


 Phrases such as “mild” and “light” will be banned from the packages. Marketing at any places other than those selling cigarettes will also be banned.


 The revisions also state that cigarette firms should reveal information on harmful chemicals in cigarettes.


기사 제공 : 코리아헤럴드

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